This is my own diary. Here I write my dreams, I write about that a think...............
It's very secret.......and personal information..........its not discussed.....
Thak's for your attention....
With Love, your Jinny.....
Diary of Jinny Weasly
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Поделиться12008-11-22 18:37:32
Поделиться22008-12-04 17:05:44
4 December 2008
The Dear diary book!!!
Presently all simply splendid! we have miraculously played in the way have even won....
Here is presently sit with Chou beside she in the same way came Harry........He as that strange asks about Germione......can he her(its) else loves?! I much feel nervous on cause
P.S. Sorry if I do mistakes....
Поделиться32009-01-18 13:38:33
Sunnday, the 18th of January
Dear Diary!
Now Chou, Luna and I are in the restricted forest ..........
we are very scared.........
and the worst, that which is next to us is a terrible monster .......
We do not know in which direction we must go... and what to do ...
long since dark .........
We Shall be put on that all will ok)
Дорогой дневничек))))
Сейчас мы с Чжоу и Луной находимся в запретном лесу..........там очень страшно
и самое ужасное, то что где то рядом с нами находится то ужасное чудовище.......
Мы незнаем в какую сторону ити...и что делать...
уже давным-давно стемнело.........Будем надеться что все будет ок)